"Vibe" is an auto fictional short film that depicts a period in an unknown temporal extent of the life of Vibe. She is in her late 20s, comes from Denmark and studies art and film in Lofoten. Vibe struggles with herself and her self-hate at the same time as she’s fighting to be seen and heard through her art and in social interactions where she often has to drink her way into. But deep down, she really thinks she's an pretty, smart and funny lady, right? You see that, right? Right? Because of Vibe's destructive alcohol consumption and eager for confirmation, her social interactions often go far beyond what she had actually imagined. Most often, they result in more harm than good to herself and the people around her. But Céline Dion is always there and will always be there. Céline Dion has beautiful brown eyes in the glow of the midnight sun. Is Vibe lost or just an ordinary youth in a world of procrastination where the sun never sets?